1928 Carr 1935

Harry Carr Los Angeles City of Dreams (Illustrated by E.H. Suydam), D. Appleton-Century Co.: NY, 1935, 402 pp.

Chapter XXVI Our Literati

     "[p. 343] There are three in this group-Helen Hunt Jackson, Horace Bell and Charles F. Lummis [1859-1928] . . .

     "Lummis may be said to be the literary discoverer of Western America. He was a young Harvard graduate when in 1883 he started to walk across the continent . . . probably the first to do so since Cabeza de Vaca. He got to Arizona in time to witness the surrender of Victorio and other Apache chiefs and to rescue from oblivion their moving and eloquent speeches of farewell . . . farewell to an era that was passing away before the steam-roller of the white man's civilization. Lummis came to Los Angeles and became city editor (and most of the reportorial staff) of the Los Angeles Times-then a struggling country paper. But as he wrote murders, lawsuits and the gossip of the pueblo, his mind went back to the sun-splashed adobes of New Mexico- . . .

     " . . .

     "[p. 344] . . . edited The Land of Sunshine; then was changed to Out West . . .

     "[p. 345] . . . started the Southwest Museum . . .

     " . . . became the [Los Angeles] City Librarian . . .

     " . . .

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 Kelyn Roberts 2017